Summer Camp
Summertime at AHOB is one of our favorite times of year! For kindergarten through 5th grade, we offer a full-day summer camp that combines academic instruction, creative expression,
spiritual formation, meaningful relationship building, and opportunities to explore the city and discover new passions!
Our summer camp activities include:
Daily math and reading
classes designed to
combat summer
learning loss and
build confidence
Exciting "Passion Classes" designed to expose students to a wide range of hobbies and careers, from graphic design to hairstyling to golf!
Weekly field trips to
activities, museums,
and events all across
New York City!
Kids learn a lot through play so we make sure to build in at least an hour of unstructured, child-led play (preferably at our newly renovated local park!) every day. Lastly, no kid learns well on an empty stomach. We provide a hot meal at lunch and at least three snacks each day!
Stay tuned for information on Summer Camp 2025!
For more information, email